A Prayerful Reflection for a Big World and a Small Soul
It's in times like these that I feel so astronomically small in the face of a world that is filled with a pain so monstrously large.
Like those videos that proliferate the internet, zooming out from a single strand of DNA into the vastness of the cosmos, I feel crushed by the weight of it all.
Our hearts were not meant to hold this much alone.
And yet, my faith is in a sustaining spirit that is larger than it all, but present in the infinitesimal.
A God that spans beyond my comprehension of galaxies and universes, but sustains every cell, every particle. The Spirit that travels from the stomata of towering trees, through rhythmic breath, into the alveoli of my lungs. A shifting movement that changed the course of many lives, present first in the cries of a tiny child born into oppression.
And so I try, as difficult and futile as it sometimes seems, to remember that we are all tied into this tension. In the sparks between synapses, we are connected to the stars beyond our view. We are sustained by a God that is large enough to hold everything, large enough to become small and accompany every part of creation. Vast enough to carry the weight and minuscule enough to power our individual voices and actions so that we may be peace, justice, and love in our world.
A biggest-small and smallest-big that gently holds all fear and grief, but still shapes a spark of hope.